authentic boudoir photography

Hello there! I’m Suzette Samour, a passionate and aspiring boudoir photographer who’s all about helping women feel amazing about themselves. While I may be new to the world of boudoir, my enthusiasm and commitment to this art form drive me to create intimate and empowering images that bring out the uniqueness of each client.

How we see ourselves affects our mental well-being, and at the same time, our mental health can shape how we view ourselves. I want to create a safe and comfy space for you to be authentic, courageous, and confident during your experience while prioritizing your mental and emotional well-being. 

As a mom of three who’s been through postpartum depression, I understand the unique challenges of motherhood and simply just being a woman. I’ve personally faced challenges in how I perceive myself, but participating in a boudoir session myself was such a transformative experience that helped me overcome my own self-image struggles. What I once considered flaws transformed into unique  features that enhanced my sense of beauty. Now, I’m eager to inspire others by sharing this positive journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance.

I’ve got a background in photography, nursing, and a deep love for mental health. In our sessions, it’s not just about capturing your physical beauty; it’s about making it a positive and healing experience. I’m here to meet you where you are in your journey and help you see your incredible strength and beauty.

The canvas is yours—paint it with the colors of empowerment.